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The Underlying Practice-Field of the Sacred Warrior of the Heart

Phase 2 (continued)


Courage is an actual experience of choosing to overcome fear, and then taking action that moves us beyond the sensations of powerlessness, incapacity and paralysis that are reactions to feeling that we are in danger.

Becoming conscious of others—past and present—who have embodied and modeled it, often enhances and strengthens our capacity for Courage.

At the same time, Courage is an individual choice that we must make for ourselves.

We must have a great Desire for a courageous Way of Life and a sense of Greater Purpose in order to override the basic instinct for self-preservation that exists at physical, emotional, psychological and mental levels of the self.

Courage is a mixture of willingness, determination, trust and a connection to a deep knowing that we can make choice that honors our internal Essence—no matter what the outcome at the external level.

Choice-making: the capacity to sort, discriminate, decide and embrace an action or way of being

Willingness: the capacity of readiness to choose freely, particularly when connected to going beyond previous and/or instinctual patterns

Determination: the capacity of clear and conscious Will—firm resolve accompanied by action

Trust: the capacity to draw upon previous actions and experiences and confidently apply those as reference points for making present choices—particularly in situations in which there is fear about an uncertain outcome

Phase 1-Presence

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Phase 2-Courage

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